Now in its third edition, Troy Anderson’s Commonwealth Criminal Law is the only text that seeks to provide both the student and practitioner with an overview of how Commonwealth criminal law intersects with State and Territory criminal law.
It details the general principles of criminal responsibility created under the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth) and contains chapters dealing with the most commonly prosecuted offences. These include fraud against the Commonwealth, child exploitation, money laundering, drug importation, terrorism and corporate crime. Each of these chapters also sets out the relevant sentencing principles applicable to these offences.
The book includes an entire chapter dedicated to Commonwealth sentencing practices generally and a chapter on the Commonwealth’s extradition powers.
Commonwealth criminal law represents an expanding area of practice and this text has deliberately been designed to be useful for the busy practitioner, Magistrate or judge who needs a quick understanding of a concept, without being bogged down in history or superfluous commentary.
The third edition has undergone significant updating, particularly with respect to the Commonwealth’s new money laundering and child exploitation offences.
Troy Anderson Imprint: Federation Press Country of Publication: Australia Edition: 3rd Revised edition ISBN:9781760025410 ISBN 10: 1760025410 Pages: 448 Publication Date:18 August 2022 Audience:
Professional and scholarly
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active