Kent McQuilkin is an award-winning animation producer, college instructor, 3D designer and consultant for broadcast studios. Kent has been a user of CINEMA 4D for over a decade and has used it to produce films, television spots, product labels, product previsualizations as well as theme park and holographic theatrical productions. Much of his work and information can be found at
If you're an aspiring 3D motion graphics artist, Cinema 4D Apprentice should be your first resource to get started. Kent does an incredibly thorough job of covering the essentials in a clear and concise manner. Inside this book is the knowledge motion designers need to succeed in a production environment. -Paul Babb, President/CEO at MAXON Computer, Inc. CINEMA 4D Apprentice gets you up and running quickly. Having a resource that is easy to reference is important when tackling a program that has the breadth and scope of MAXON CINEMA 4D's R16. Kent McQuilkin does an excellent job of keeping you on track with enough to help you find your footing as you begin to design and animate in 3D. -Ko Maruyama, CreativeMac