Costel Marian Petrache is a Professor of Physics at University Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3 IJClab, France. After completing his PhD in Physics at the University of Bucharest, Petrache has held several research positions in Romania, France and Italy. His research interests include nuclear spectroscopy of nuclei far from the valley of stability, nuclear structure in extreme conditions (high spins and large deformations), symmetries in nuclei, and Physics applied to art and archaeology. Petrache is a scientific referee for several scientific journals, including Physical Review Letters, Physics Letters B, and Physical Review C. He organized the series of conferences Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to Theory (SSNET), and most recently organized the conference “Chirality and Wobbling in Atomic Nuclei” (Huizhou, China, 2023).