Helps readers understand what careers are available for graduates with a master’s degree in library and information sciences.
Written in a conversational, candid tone, Careers in Library and Information Services collects first-hand accounts from workers who have earned a master’s of library science degree to help new LIS graduates understand their career options.
Each of the chapters provides readers with a snapshot of a particular career. Chapters are gathered into parts: an introduction on “Why Do We Do This?” is followed by careers in public libraries, school libraries, academic libraries, special libraries, and careers outside of libraries. Each chapter author describes their typical duties, shares likes and dislikes, and offers advice for those wanting a job like theirs.
Invaluable for those considering entering an MLS program, those currently enrolled in MLS programs, graduates looking for work, and professionals considering a career shift, this engaging book is both practical and fun to read.
Contents Preface (Priscilla K. Shontz) Foreword (G. Kim Dority) Acknowledgements Introduction (Priscilla K. Shontz, G. Kim Dority) PART 1: PUBLIC LIBRARIES 1.Adult and Teen Librarian (Zack North) 2.Branch Manager (Delaney D. Daly) 3.Branch Services Division Manager (Lee Schwartz) 4.Children’s Librarian (Yesenia Villar) 5.Consultant, Regional Library System (April Oharah Hernandez) 6.Education and Outreach Manager (Ayesha Hawkins) 7.Executive Director, Library System (Laura Marlane) 8.Information Services Manager (Lorene Kennard) 9.Library Director (Susan Fulkerson Gregory) 10.Local History and Genealogy Manager (Angela O’Neal) 11.Supervising Librarian (Mychal Threets) 12.Technical Services Manager (Somer Newland) 13.Technology Coordinator (Louise Alcorn) 14.Teen Librarian (Kathleen Breitenbach) 15.Youth Services Manager (Alissa Raschke-Janchenko) PART 2: SCHOOL LIBRARIES 16.Independent Middle School Librarian (Jean Myles) 17.International K-12 School Librarian (Jill Egan) 18.Lead Librarian, Public School District (Amy Pulliam) 19.Librarian, School for the Deaf (Nell Fleming) 20.Library Services Director, Public School System (Deborah Lang Froggatt) 21.Public Elementary School Librarian (Michael Rawls) 22.Public Middle School Media Specialist (Dale F. Harter) PART 3: ACADEMIC LIBRARIES 23.Access Services Librarian (Glen J. Benedict) 24.Arts and Humanities Librarian (Sarah Elizabeth Sheridan Bull) 25.Collection Development Librarian (Monica Cammack) 26.Collections Care Coordinator (Shelby Strommer) 27.Community Engagement Director (Morgan Brickey-Jones) 28.Curator (Alba Fernández-Keys) 29.Data Librarian (Michele Hayslett) 30.Dean of Libraries (Linda Marie Golian-Lui) 31.Digital Archivist (Andrew McDonnell) 32.Digital Preservation and Project Management Librarian (Ira Revels) 33.Digital Scholarship Librarian (Julia Stone) 34.Electronic Resource Management Librarian (Lucy Campbell) 35.Electronic Resources and Cataloging Librarian (Daniel Stevens) 36.Games and Media Arts Librarians (Diane Robson, Steven Guerrero, Emily Pojman) 37.Human Resources Director (Laura Blessing) 38.Information Literacy Librarian (Joy Oehlers) 39.Instructional Technology Specialist (Lara Taylor) 40.Metadata Librarian (Chad Deets) 41.Music Librarian (Marci Cohen) 42.Open Educational Resources Librarian (Kate McNally Carter) 43.Part-Time Librarian (Emily Weak) 44.Research Services Coordinator (Emerson M. Morris) 45.Resident Librarian (Elizabeth S. Blake) 46.Resource Sharing Librarian (K. Zdepski) 47.Scholarly Communications Librarian (Elaine Walker) 48.Social Sciences and Government Information Librarian (Amanda McLeod) 49.Student Support and Engagement Librarian (Mary Kamela) 50.Systems and Discovery Librarian (Emily Wros) 51.Technical Services Director (Susanne Markgren) 52.University Librarian (Rick Anderson) 53.User Experience Research Librarian (Beth Filar Williams) PART 4: SPECIAL LIBRARIES 54.Adult Services Librarian, Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (Jami Livingston) 55.Art Museum Library Director (Jon Evans) 56.Associate State Librarian (Michael Golrick) 57.Audiovisual Archivist (Ari Negovschi Regalado) 58.Conservation Librarian (Megan Burdi) 59.Corporate Librarian (Eileen Davenport) 60.Curator and Archivist, Historical Association (Laura Kathryn Nicole Jones) 61.Library Development Consultant (Reagen A. Thalacker) 62.Marketing and Outreach Librarian, Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (Ashley M. Biggs) 63.Media Library Specialist, Department of Public Health (Alicia Zuniga) 64.Mental Health Hospital Library Director (Lona A. Oerther) 65.News Librarian (Misty Harris) 66.Prison Librarian (Margaret Lirones) 67.Research Institution Medical Librarian (Kelly Stormking) 68.Research Medical Library Director (Clara S. Fowler) 69.Science Librarian, Department of Defense (Gloria Miller) 70.Seminary Librarian (Rebecca A. Givens) 71.State Librarian (Jamie Markus) PART 5: BEYOND THE LIBRARY 72.Archival Consultant (Dominique Luster) 73.Association Director (Jenifer Grady) 74.Author (Chrissie Anderson Peters) 75.Community and User Research Manager (Jamie Lin) 76.Competitive Intelligence Director (Chad Eng) 77.Consortium Executive Director (Nancy S. Kirkpatrick) 78.Consultants (Cindy Fesemyer, Amanda Standerfer) 79.Content and Workflow Strategy Consultant (Pam Matthews) 80.Continuing Medical Education Coordinator (Karen Burton) 81.Cybersecurity Analyst (Tracy Z. Maleeff) 82.Development and Alumni Relations Administrator (Selma Permenter) 83.Digital Asset Manager (Lisa Grimm) 84.Digital Content Librarian (Maria Fesz) 85.Freelance Editor (Priscilla K. Shontz) 86.Independent Information Professional (Kearin Reid) 87.Independent Librarian (Jessamyn West) 88.Information and Content Strategist (G. Kim Dority) 89.Information Specialist and Micropreneur (Sue Easun) 90.International Sales and Special Markets Manager (Ann Snoeyenbos) 91.Internet Research Specialist (Marj Atkinson) 92.Knowledge and Information Management Consultant (Elizabeth F. McLean) 93.Learning and Training Manager (Shanna Hollich) 94.MLIS Assistant Teaching Professor (Jason K. Alston) 95.MLIS Program Manager (Dee Winn) 96.Private Librarian and Curator (Christy Shannon Smirl) 97.Program Manager for Membership and Research (Christina Rodrigues) 98.Public Health Analyst (Melody D. Parker) 99.Rare Book Dealer (Patrick Olson) 100.Records Specialist (Jeannine Berroteran) 101.Research and Prospect Management Analyst (Laura Semrau) About the Editor and Contributors Index
Priscilla K. Shontz is a librarian at Lone Star College-Montgomery, USA.
Reviews for Careers in Library and Information Services: First-Hand Accounts from Working Professionals
"An amazing compendium of 101 primary-source accounts describing what “library work” is like on the ground in a full range of settings, within and beyond libraries — with the bonus of advice on how to land those jobs. * Linda Miles, Michigan State University, USA * LIS course evaluations consistently show the most impactful parts of class occur when guests from the field come in and share their experiences. Careers in Library and Information Services consists of 101 special guests from across the profession. Students and early career professionals will benefit immeasurably from this unique book. * Noah Lenstra, Associate Professor of Library & Information Science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA * I wish I could have had this book early in my library career. This is a must-read for all library school students and those thinking about a career in library science. * Robert R. Newlen, Dwight D. Opperman Foundation, USA * This is the sort of exploratory guide I wish was assigned during my first semester or so of library school. It vibrantly illuminates all the varied pathways an MLIS can help a person take. It also gives a forum for luminaries in the discipline of librarianship to share their career stories, the complexities of which leave me optimistic about the adventure that a library career can be. * Joe Hess, Digital Asset Management Librarian, USA * The tapestry of information careers is often a mystery to students or even professionals who feel ""stuck"" in their jobs. This collection of personal experiences and wisdom expands understanding of the many possibilities in our rich and diverse field. * Christie Koontz, Adjunct Professor, Florida State University and San Jose State University iSchools, USA *"