Bart D. Ehrman is a highly acclaimed scholar of the New Testament and the history of early Christianity. He is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is the author or editor of over thirty-one books and has been featured in the New Yorker and Time. In addition to appearances on the National Geographic channel, the History channel, the Discovery channel, BBC, and NPR's Fresh Air, Ehrman has written five New York Times bestsellers, including How Jesus Became God. With preeminent academic credentials, he is the editor and Greek-to-English translator of both volumes of The Apostolic Fathers in the Loeb Classic Library. Craig A. Evans is an esteemed, internationally recognized biblical scholar, author, and a regular guest on TV documentaries. He is John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins at Houston Theological Seminary. He was formally Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Acadia Divinity College. Before coming to Acadia, Evans taught at Trinity Western University in British Columbia for twenty-one years, where he directed the graduate program in biblical studies and founded the Dead Sea Scrolls Institute. He is the author or editor of more than fifty books and hundreds of articles and reviews. Evans has lectured at Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, and Yale. He also regularly lectures and gives talks at popular conferences and retreats on the historical Jesus, archaeology, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Bible. Robert B. StewartisProfessor of Philosophy and Theology and the Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Stewartwasthe Director of the Greer-Heard Point-Counterpoint Forum in Faith and Culture, whichbroughtworld-renowned scholars together in conversation and debate. Stewart hasauthored oreditedtwelvebooks,ten of which weredebatesordialogues, which include numerous contributing essays by other highly respectedscholars, such as JohnDominic Crossan, Alister McGrath, Daniel Dennett,William Lane Craig,Ben Witherington III, Craig Evans, Bart Ehrman, and others.