Dr Cahal Moran is a Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He received his PhD in economics from the University Manchester on the subject of prospect theory. He is the co-author of the bestselling book The Econocracy: on the Perils of Leaving Economics to the Experts (Penguin Press). He is a lifelong member of the charity Rethinking Economics, which campaigns for a better economics education and has featured on BBC radio 4 alongside other members. He also runs a YouTube channel, Unlearning Economics, which has over 119,000 youtube subscribers, 53,000 twitter followers and has just launched a podcast. He lives in London.
PRAISE FOR THE ECONOCRACY ‘Our democracy has gone profoundly wrong. Economists have failed us. Politicians have lied to us. Things must change. This fearless new book will help make it happen’ Owen Jones ‘An explosive call for change … packed with original research … a case study for the question we should all be asking since the crash: how have the elites – in Westminster, in the City, in economics – stayed in charge?’ Aditya Chakrabortty, Guardian ‘It is a damning indictment for the economics profession that it has taken young people barely out of university to provide this analysis. Utterly compelling and sobering.’ Ha-Joon Chang ‘A rousing wake-up call from a collective of dissident graduate students … technically assured, well-argued and informative’ Robert Skidelsky ‘If war is too important to be left to the generals, so is the economy too important to be left to narrowly trained economists … thought-provoking’ Martin Wolf ‘An interesting and highly pertinent book’ Noam Chomsky