IAN APPLETON PhD, DARCH, DipCD, RIBA, FRIAS, RIAS is an architect and partner in the Edinburgh-based firm of the Appleton Partnership. He was architect for a variety of theatres and other building types. He has had experience of demand studies, feasibility and other aspects of the design and development of building for the performing arts, as well as the wider involvement in urban, building and interior designs. He is also involved in teaching, research and writing on architecture.
The words of Dakpo Tashi Namgyal are unique. Adorned with plenty of pithy advice out of his personal experience, practitioners are greatly benefited by his instructions on how to remove hindrances and progress further. His methods for practicing Mahamudra are preeminent. This book is indispensable as it focuses exclusively on practice. <br>- Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche