Dan Abdo & Jason Patterson have directed award-winning commercials, created hit cartoon shows and even sold a feature-film concept, but nothing has prepared them for this...the pinnacle of their storied career: publishing the hilarious and heartwarming comic tales of Blue, Barry & Pancakes! Dan & Jason have packed it with everything they know about drawing, writing, and the enduring power of friendship. Please enjoy their comic book debut! They are also the creators of the bestselling graphic novel series, Barb. They make everything together. They think it, draw it, write it, mix it, bake it, and serve it together. Teamwork!
'[Dan and Jason] fill energetic and cinematic panels with sound effects and screwball comedy, resulting in an absurd tale of friendship that never stops moving.' Publisher's Weekly 'Rapidly paced and loaded with absurdity and laughs... A happy ending and gentle lesson on friendship close what is happily the first of many escapades.' Booklist 'The cartoon art is bright and appealing, with loud colours, exaggerated comic reactions, and goofy details... Riotously entertaining. Readers will look forward to more adventures with this quirky trio.' School Library Journal 'A joyful, slapstick romp.' Horn Book 'Zany and fun, this will appeal to children aged five and over.' Bookseller 'A hilarious, wacky adventure...This colourful graphic novel about having fun with good friends is the first tale in an entertaining new series.' BookTrust 'This is a perfect stocking stuffer for kids who love adventure and humour and enjoy graphic novel friendship series such as Narwhal & Jelly, Bumble & Snug and Elephant & Biggie.' BookBairn, Influencer 'A brilliant KS1 graphic novel. Bright colours, a bonkersly fun adventure involving friendship, alien pool parties, cake & listening to others.' Tom Griffiths, Headteacher 'The perfect book for younger reluctant readers.' School Reading List