Dr. Amanda Barton is Honorary Lecturer in PGCE Modern Foreign Languages at the Institute of Education, University of Manchester, UK, and an educational consultant. She has taught in primary and secondary schools and has written extensively about teaching foreign languages in schools. Angela McLachlan is Subject Lead for Languages on the Primary PGCE and Secondary Teach First PGCE Programmes at the Institute of Education, University of Manchester. Angela also runs her own consultancy agency, `Lively Languages', aiming to bring languages and learning to life in the classroom.
I'm very pleased with the Bloomsbury Curriculum Basics range and would highly recommend them to home school parents and new teachers too. There's a wealth of knowledge to be gained from them as well as lesson plans to guide you through each lesson ensuring you meet the criteria. In my mind, they are a great investment as they'll see you through all 6 years of Primary education. * Nazira, lovehijabgirl.blogspot.co.uk *