Elaine Barr has been an unknown, unpublished poet and short-story writer for most of her life, a Northwestern Ontario girl, raised in an isolated village on private property with about thirty other families. She's the third oldest of seven children. In high school, she unintentionally joined the military but climbed onto a bus leaving town. From a disciplined childhood to a disciplined military and policing careers. Not out and proud with an introduction to a gay lifestyle but at rock bottom she was determined to make changes. In thirty-eight sober years came self-acceptance and a thriving law enforcement career. She's a survivor of five years in the Canadian military, twenty-five years policing and sixty-five years of family living. She's a naturally gifted athlete in various sports and a master of none but she keeps trying. If not on an indoor court somewhere, you'll find her outdoors enjoying sports and nature. She's an animal lover but also a first-time wild-game hunter in retirement, thanks to a healthier choice of diet. She lives with her two fur babies in a condo in Eastern Ontario. She's currently only one of three survivors from a family of nine. She can be found on social media. To appease an assorted group of followers in three years of retirement and in a lockdown world, she's now a poet for others to know it.