Sven Gjedde Sommer is a professor in the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering at Aarhus University. He has contributed to the research field of sustainable management of waste from agriculture in the context of a circular economy. He teaches courses in chemistry, bioprocessing, and environmental technologies for managing biowaste. Morten Lykkegaard Christensen is an associate professor at Aalborg University's Department of Chemistry and Bioscience. He contributes significantly to the research field in separation and purification, focusing on treating organic waste streams for resource recovery. He teaches courses on unit operations, colloidal chemistry, membrane processes, and bioprocess modeling. Birgir Norddahl is Emeritus Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, Department of Green Technology. His teaching has focused on industrial biotechnology and, in particular, aspects of sustainable uses of biotechnology for creating green biofuels such as biomethane, biodiesel, and biohydrogen, as well as algae for biofuels based on research. Morten Ambye-Jensen is an associate professor in the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering and head of the interdisciplinary Centre for Circular Bioeconomy at Aarhus University. He has taught courses within biorefineries and bioprocessing since 2011, and since 2019 has developed and taught 'Introduction to Biological Production Techniques' (BSc course). Maria Cinta Roda-Serrat completed her postdoctoral research at the University of Southern Denmark, Department of Green Technology. Her research involved aiming at valorization of biomass for production of high-value products. She was a teaching assistant in the course 'Design of Ideal Chemical Reactors' and guest lecturer in membrane technology.