Julie Janson is a Burruberongal woman of the Darug Aboriginal nation. She is a novelist, playwright, and poet. Her novels are: Madukka the River Serpent from UWA Publishing, an Indigenous crime novel published in 2022 and longlisted for the Miles Franklin Prize; Benevolence from Magabala Books, published in 2020 and acquired by Harper Collins in USA and UK August in 2022. Benevolence was shortlisted for the Barbara Jefferis Award in 2022; nominated for NIB Literary Award 2020, and the Voss Literary Award 2020. Julie is also the author of the Virtual Reality screenplay 'There Exists'. Julie is co-recipient of the Oodgeroo Noonuccal Poetry Prize 2016 and the Judith Wright Poetry Prize 2019. She lives on the south coast of NSW with her husband Michael Fay.