Thank you all for the response to Vol 1. Your warmth echoes like a cozy fireplace on a winter's night. I hope it took you on a journey to Agape Love, akin to a blooming flower in a vibrant garden, showcasing virtues that shine as a radiant sun. And, let's not forget fear, whose works spread like wildfire, consuming everything in its path.
This remarkable second book invites you to explore the vast mysteries of God. Discover the incredible things, delving into the depths of goodness like a crystal-clear stream.
Immerse yourself in the sanctity of holiness reminiscent of a sacred haven. Get ready for the intellectual magic within these pages-a dazzling dance of words. These words will stimulate your mind and spark excitement in every corner of your brain.
Jump into the exciting story unfolding, how saying sorry can change a relationship. Discover the essential facts about the complicated web of lies surrounding us like a confusing maze today. Reading this remarkable book will make your brain spin like a tornando as you search for a way to save yourself.
P O Isen Imprint: P O Isen Volume: 2 Dimensions:
Height: 229mm,
Width: 152mm,
Spine: 9mm
Weight: 236g ISBN:9798227841186 Series:2 Pages: 156 Publication Date:20 August 2024 Audience:
Young adult
Preschool (0-5)
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active