In a time before Alita's birth, a fresh-faced and ambitious man once believed in humanity, and for that crime, he suffered unbelievable agony, shame, and betrayal. His once-youthful visage became a wretched mask, and his dreams became plans to wreak terror upon mankind. This man is known as Baron Muster, and you will now witness his journey into the darkest depths of despair...
The cyber-martial arts saga that has spanned a solar system and over two decades in print returns, with creator Yukito Kishiro's new sequel that reveals the true story of Alita's childhood on Mars, and the mind-bending adventures that still await her...
In a time before Alita's birth, a fresh-faced and ambitious man once believed in humanity, and for that crime, he suffered unbelievable agony, shame, and betrayal. His once-youthful visage became a wretched mask, and his dreams became plans to wreak terror upon mankind. This man is known as Baron Muster, and you will now witness his journey into the darkest depths of despair...
Yukito Kishiro Imprint: Kodansha International Country of Publication: United States Volume: 5 Dimensions:
Height: 191mm,
Width: 126mm,
Weight: 207g ISBN:9781632366580 ISBN 10: 1632366584 Pages: 192 Publication Date:18 December 2018 Recommended Age: From 16 to 99 years Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active
When he was only seventeen, Yukito Kishiro was nominated for Japanese publisher Shogakukan's Best New Comic award. Creator of other popular manga titles, Kishiro is known for his strong characters, original settings, and intricate, lifelike artwork.