After living in Australia for most of her early years, Robyn Gale trained to become a primary school teacher and spent five years teaching down under before making the move to the UK. Her approach is simple - if content is engaging and visually stimulating, its educational worth and ability to inspire increases! Brad Hunt gained a First-Class Honours degree in Graphic Design. He then spent five years in the publishing industry, designing a wide range of children's books including licensed products. He now works for a design agency. His illustration credits include the Arty Mouse series of Activity Books, 555 Sticker Fun Horses and Unicorns, and Ten Little Unicorns. Mandy Stanley is an award-winning illustrator, author and designer who has published more than 200 picture, story and activity books for children. Before discovering her passion for writing and illustrating children's books, Mandy worked in the fashion industry, designing clothes, toys and nursery products. She still uses her 3D design skills, learnt from her fashion training, in the design of her books. Mandy is based in her studio in Suffolk, UK, and as well as working on her books, enjoys running workshops and talks for both primary and secondary schools.