Ayman El-Baz, Ph.D, is Professor, Chair of the Bioengineering Department and Distinguished Scholar, Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville, USA. His major research focus is in the fields of bioimaging modalities and computer-assisted diagnostic systems. He has developed new techniques for analyzing 3D medical images. Dr. El-Baz has authored or co-authored more than 300 technical articles and edited or co-edited over 45 books. Among his many honors and awards are becoming an AIMBE Fellow (2018) and NAI Fellow (2020) Jasjit S. Suri, Ph.D. is an innovator, scientist and industrialist, who has conducted considerable research in the implementation of AI in biomedicine and healthcare. He has over 50 US and European patents. Dr. Suri has published over 100 journal articles related to cardiovascular disease and another 100 dealing with AI. He has also edited or co-edited over 50 books. In 2018 he was awarded the Marquis Life Time Achievement Award and the Director General's President's Gold Medial. In addition he is an AIMBE Fellow and IEEE Fellow.