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Bloomsbury Academic
20 February 2025
Aristotle’s Organon in Old and New Logic 1800–1950 explores the reception and interpretation of Aristotle’s logic over the last two centuries. The volume covers seminal works during this period by logicians, historians of logic, and historians of philosophy, including John Lloyd Akrill, Francesco Barone, Günther Patzig, Enrico Berti, and Mario Mignucci.

Contributors consider the reception of the Organon in old logic and chart the appearance of formal approaches to logic beginning with Boole. This in-depth study of Aristotelianism also covers logic in Kant and Hegel, alongside the problems and projects of interpreting Aristotle in the new logic after Boole and Frege. The background of modern debates concerning induction and abduction provides further insight into Aristotelian logic during the period. By filling gaps in our understanding of Aristotelian logic, this book provides a fundamental missing link in 21st century studies of the history of Aristotelianism. It brings together scholars of both ancient and modern logic to understand the interpretation of ancient logic before and after the development of the modern, algebraic approach to logic.
Edited by:   , , ,
Imprint:   Bloomsbury Academic
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 234mm,  Width: 156mm, 
ISBN:   9781350372184
ISBN 10:   1350372188
Series:   Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition
Pages:   304
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  College/higher education ,  Undergraduate ,  Further / Higher Education
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Part I: Interpreting Aristotle’s Organon in old logic 1. Kant and the Debate on Aristotle's Categories in the Nineteenth Century, Venanzio Raspa (Università Urbino) 2. A Natural History of the Finite Spirit: Aristotle's Logic in the Hegel’s Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Giovanni Bonacina (Università Urbino) 3. Hegel’s reading of Aristotle’s Organon and the philosophical roots of non-classical logics, Elena Ficara (Universität Paderborn) 4. Jaime Balmes’ Neo-Scholastic Logic: The Principle of Non-Contradiction and the Foundantion of Certainty, Ana Maria Mora Marquez (University of Gothenburg) 5. Carl Prantl: Aristotle’s Organon and the Study of Philosophical Terminology, Gerald Hartung (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) 6. Apelt, Bonitz and Brentano on the Origin of the Ten Aristotelian Categories, Christof Rapp (Ludwig-Maximiliansuniversität München) 7. Reforming Aristotle’s Logic in Brentano’s School, Colin Guthrie King (Providence College) 8. True Being vs Being True, Kevin Mulligan (Università della Svizzera italiana) Part II: Interpreting Aristotle’s Organon in new logic 9. Lukasiewicz on the Syllogism, the Law of Non-Contradiction, and the Dictum de Omni et de Nullo, Paolo Fait (University of Oxford) 10. Aristotle’s Syllogistic: From Premisses to Conclusions or from Conclusions to Premisses?, Doukas Kapantais (Academy of Athens) & George Karamanolis (Universität Wien) 11. Dialectic and Existential Import, Mathieu Marion (Université de Québec à Montréal) 12. Does the choice of a modern formal logic influence the interpretation of Aristotle’s syllogistic? A study of Kurt Ebbinghaus’ answer, Zoe McConaughey (Université de Lille) 13. Aristotle’s Thesis and Propositional Logic, Fabian Ruge (Universität Bochum) 14. Boole, Peirce, and Schröder on Expressing Particular Propositions, Marko Malink (New York University) 15. A Baconian’s Aristotle: The Whewell-Munro Debate on the Prior Analytics, Lukas M. Verburgt (Leiden University) 16. Aristotle’s Logic and Piercean Abduction, Vera Shumalina (HSE Moscow) 17. Translation with introduction of Olga Hahn, “On the Coefficients of a Logical Equation”, Justin Vlasits (University of Illinois, Chicago) Index

Venanzio Raspa is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Urbino, Italy. Colin Guthrie King is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Providence College, USA.

Reviews for Aristotle’s Organon in Old and New Logic: 1800–1950

Reasoning in form, Enrico Berti used to pledge, ought to be taught starting from adolescence. That each young adult be empowered to know that what s/he says is true ought to be considered as a human right. This book showcases two centuries of readings of Aristotle’s Organon, one of the greatest books of the Western philosophical tradition. This book is about nineteenth-century and twentieth-centuries readings of Aristotle’s Organon. The time span goes from Kant to Lukasiewicz. It is correctly old and new logic, which are divided by the threshold of the quantification of the predicate achieved in Boolean logic. An introduction and twelve well-argued chapters make the case for the choice of subject matter and periodization. -- Riccardo Pozzo, Professor of the History of Philosophy, The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Italy This is a highly informative book on how the Organon was received in the period of resurgence of Aristotelian studies from the beginning of the 19th century onwards. Although it does not exhaust all the relevant contributions of the period, it does focus on some of the most significant ones and does so in a very enlightening way. The book fills a gap in our knowledge of the reception of Aristotle’s Organon in the West. -- António Pedro Mesquita, professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Lisbon, Portugal. We welcome this collection of studies on the evaluation, preservation, and criticism of Aristotelean logic in modern philosophy and science. This volume draws together a wide range of competent scholars to reflect on these arguments, and they provide evaluations of Aristotle which cannot be avoided in the study of logic. -- Terence J. Kleven, Schnucker-Sessler Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Central College, USA

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