Victoire de Castellane is artistic director of Dior Jewelry. Geoffray Riondet runs the Riondet house, and is an antique jewelry specialist, legal expert, and gemologist. Riondet drew upon the expertise of Valérie Goupil, Anne Laurent, Loïc Lescuyer, Gérard Panczer, and Brigitte Serre-Bourt, professors at the French National Institute of Gemology (ING, Paris-Lyon). of Gemology (ING, Paris-Lyon).
“One of the most eagerly awaited authors is antique jewellery specialist Geoffray Riondet, who will be signing copies of his book Antique French Jewelry 1800-1950, published by Flammarion in April 2024. With a preface by artist Victoire de Castellane, this work is an invaluable resource for any connoisseur keen to learn how to identify and date antique jewellery with precision.” — Jewellery Outlook