Authors of the first edition Rafael G González-Acuña studied industrial physics engineering at the Tecnológico de Monterrey and studied a master’s degree in optomechatronics at Centro de investigaciones en Óptica, A.C. He has a PhD in optics from Tecnológico de Monterrey. His doctoral thesis focuses on the design of free spherical aberration lenses. He is co-author of the solution to the problem of designing bi-aspheric singlet lenses free of spherical aberration. He has won several international awards and scholarships and co-authored 32 papers in lens design. He currently works on lens design for Huawei Technologies. Héctor A Chaparro-Romo is an Electronic Engineer who has specialized in scientific computation and has years of experience in optics research and applications. He is co-author of the solution to the problem of designing bi-aspheric singlet lenses free of spherical aberration. He is an independent and multidisciplinary researcher, currently focussing on the study of computer networks and advanced design of economic optical systems in his self-employed home office. Julio C Gutiérrez-Vega is a full professor in the Physics Department and heads the Photonics and Mathematical Optics Group at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, México. He has authored and co-authored about 101 journal papers and 83 conference proceedings, reporting more than 3500 citations to date with an h-index of 30. He served on the editorial committee of the journals Optics and Photonics News and Optics Express and was a member of the scientific committee of the SPIE conference Laser Beam Shaping for 12 years. Gutiérrez-Vega is a fellow member of OSA. Author of the second edition Rafael G González-Acuña studied industrial physics engineering at the Tecnológico de Monterrey and studied a master’s degree in optomechatronics at Centro de investigaciones en Óptica, A.C. He has a PhD in optics from Tecnológico de Monterrey. His doctoral thesis focuses on the design of free spherical aberration lenses. He is co-author of the solution to the problem of designing bi-aspheric singlet lenses free of spherical aberration. He has won several international awards and scholarships and co-authored 32 papers in lens design. He currently works on lens design for Huawei Technologies.