www.adamis.ch YouTube: http: //youtu.be/yPb4i9bEal8 https: //youtu.be/UeOIvjeoFZM?si=6b3F6sjc8Vw6iuOX Books by Dr. Frank Alper (all books are also available as e-books/Kindle) Exploring Atlantis Vol. 1, Vol.2, Vol. 3 combined (from 1981 - 1986) ISBN 978-1-4475-4994-9 Our Existence is Mind, Healing Methods for the 3rd Millenium. ISBN 978-3-9524451-2-9 A series of spiritual lectures channeled through the Soul of Rev. Frank Alper D.D.: Moses and the Bible Vol. 1 (1980) ISBN 978-3-9524930-8-3 Moses and the Bible Vol. 2 (1980) ISBN 978-3-9524930-9-0 Moses and the Bible Vol. 3 (1982) ISBN 978-3-9526044-0-3 Moses and the Bible Vol. 4 (1982) ISBN 978-3-9526044-1-0 A series of spiritual lectures channeled through the Soul of Rev. Frank Alper D.D.: An evening with Christos Vol. 1 (Sept. 1978 - Dec. 1979 ISBN 978-3-9526044-2-7 An evening with Christos Vol 2 (Jan. - Dec. 1980) ISBN 978-3-9526044-3-4 An evening with Christos Vol 3 (Jan. - Dec. 1981 ISBN 978-3-9526044-4-1 An evening with Christos Vol 4 (Jan. - Dec. 1982) ISBN 978-3-9526044-5-8 An evening with Christos Vol 5 (Jan. - Dec. 1983)