Yuki Suenaga previously published the one-shot “Tatarashido” in 2021 in Weekly Shonen Jump. Akane-banashi is their first serialized title. It began its run in Weekly Shonen Jump in February 2022 and won third place in the print manga category at the eighth Next Manga Awards in 2022. Takamasa Moue started his manga career in 2015 by participating in Shonen Jump’s Golden Future Cup contest with the one-shot “Galaxy Gangs.” His first serialization, Ole ★ Golazo, ran in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2016. In 2017, he published a short serialization in Jump GIGA called K.K. in the City of Fog, which ran for three chapters. In 2021, he teamed up with Yuki Suenaga to create the one-shot “Tatarashido.” In February 2022, the two worked together to publish what would be his second serialization, Akane-banashi.