Neil Perkin is the founder of Only Dead Fish, a consultancy which specializes in digital strategy, transformation and agility. Based in Chichester, UK, he is a frequent conference speaker, curates the quarterly series of Firestarters thought leadership events for Google UK, and has been named by BIMA (British Interactive Media Association) as one of the most influential people in the UK digital industry. He is also the author of Agile Marketing and the co-author of Building The Agile Business Through Digital Transformation, both published by Kogan Page.
Agile Transformation has an urgent message for leaders delivered with calm, thoughtfulness and generosity. It's the sort of densely packed book of useful things I like to keep near to my desk, and will end up accumulating a garland of post-its and improvised bookmarkers with scribbled notes like problem-solving or This! Read when in doubt! . -- Antony Mayfield * CEO, Brilliant Noise * Neil Perkin's book addresses a fundamental leadership challenge - how to go from being compelled by the need to reinvent to knowing what the steps in your change plan need to look like. Essential reading. -- Bruce Daisley * Author, 'Fortitude', and 'Joy of Work' * Neil Perkin has written a masterful book on digital transformation, with many practical wisdoms and nuggets waiting to be found. For any organiza- tion trying to create their preferred future, this is a must-read! -- Gerd Leonhard * CEO, The Futures Agency; Author, 'Technology vs. Humanity' * These days every company wants and needs to change but the answers seem cryptic, vague and often biased. As always, Neil Perkin writes brilliantly and clearly in what is an actionable yet inspiring, interesting yet practical, tour de force on how people in all kinds of business can adapt to the modern world. -- Tom Goodwin * Author, 'Digital Darwinism' * Leading a transformation can be a daunting challenge. With external change happening at such pace and internal change being so complex, it can be hard to cut through the noise. Luckily, Neil Perkin has done that brilliantly with this book, offering plenty of actionable insights that any leader can put to immediate use. -- James Haycock * Founder, Planet Native Ventures; Author, 'Bye Bye Banks?' * Packed full of amazing insights, case studies and practical examples for implementing agile transformation across any organization. -- Duncan Hammond * VP, Transformation, Warner Music Group * Agile and transformation aren't just pretty words to say. It's the new way of operating business, and you can't afford to be left behind. You couldn't ask for a better expert guide on the journey than Neil Perkin. -- Scott Brinker * VP, Platform Ecosystem, Hubspot; Author, 'Hacking Marketing' * An inspiring and practical guide to the why, what and how of transforming businesses to meet the challenges and opportunities of digital disruption. Neil Perkin's clear and succinct writing provides an accessible and comprehensive roadmap for leaders to drive customer focused digital innovation. -- Judy Gibbon * Chairman, Wonderbly *