The first comprehensive scrutiny of the theories associated with new materialisms including speculative realism, new materialism, Object-oriented ontology and actor-network theory.
One of the most influential trends in the
humanities and social sciences in the last decades, new materialisms embody a
critique of modernity and a pledge to regain immediate reality by focusing on
the materiality of the world – human and
nonhuman – rather than a post-structuralist focus upon texts.
Against New Materialisms examines the theoretical and practical problems connected with discarding modernity and the human subject from
a number of interdisciplinary angles: ontology and
phenomenology to political theory, mythology
and ecology.
With contributions from international
scholars, including Markus Gabriel, Andrew Cole, and Dipesh Chakrabarty, the
essays here challenge the capacity of new materialisms to provide solutions to
current international crises, whilst also calling into question what the
desire for such theories can tell us about the global situation today.
Preface Introduction 1. Object-Oriented Ontology and the Passion for the Real, Zahi Zalloua (Whitman College, USA) 2. Correlationist Sterility: A Critique of the Absolutisation of Contingency in Meillassoux, Diana Khamis (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany) 3. Facts, not Fossils - New vs. Speculative Realism, Markus Gabriel (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany) 4. Production of Real Presence: What Presence Cannot Convey – A Critique of Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht’s Concept of Presence, Benjamin Boysen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) 5. Interpreting the facts: Nietzsche and the new Realists, Hans Ruin (Södertörn University, Sweden) 6. Modern Through and Through: Latour’s Quasi-Object as a Modern Mix-Up, Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) 7. Acknowledging materiality without fetishizing it: Some pitfalls in speaking for matter, Alf Hornborg (Lund University, Sweden) 8. The Kantian Catastrophe? – Anti-correlationism and the Absolute, Lars Lodberg and Jacob Lautrup (Aarhus University, Denmark) 9. Interview, Dipesh Chakrabarty (University of Chicago, USA) Postscript, Andrew Cole (Princeton University, USA)
Benjamin Boysen is author of Nothingness, Negativity, and Nominalism in Shakespeare and Petrarch (2020) and The Ethics of Love: An Essay on James Joyce (2013). Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen is Carlsberg Reintegration Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.