Iain Banks came to widespread and controversial public notice with the publication of his first novel, THE WASP FACTORY, in 1984. He has since gained enormous popular and critical acclaim for both his mainstream and his science fiction novels.
Imaginatively brilliant. - Daily Mail There is now no British SF wirter to whose work I look forward to with greater keenness. - The Times Banks ain't kidding. He warned you up front that this is a dark novel - Norman Spinrad Few of us have been exposed to a talent so manifest and of such extraordinary breadth - The New York Review of Science Fiction Imaginatively brilliant. - Daily Mail There is now no British SF wirter to whose work I look forward to with greater keenness. - The Times Banks ain't kidding. He warned you up front that this is a dark novel - Norman Spinrad Few of us have been exposed to a talent so manifest and of such extraordinary breadth - The New York Review of Science Fiction