Darby Dyer is adjunct English professor at Texas Woman’s University.
""Darby Dyer's A Shift in the Portrayal and Reception of Homosexuality from the Victorian to the Modern Period is a well sourced, unique and interesting analysis of the role of gender, sexuality, culture, and law in these contiguous eras. By exploring the contrasting experiences of queer writers, Oscar Wilde and Virgina Woolf, as individuals, as authors in the public awareness (with a particular focus on The Picture of Dorian Gray and Mrs. Dalloway), and as subjects of the laws and expectations of their times, Dyer probes the gaps between their experiences to posit arguments regarding the repercussions of queer identity and ways in which it shifted (and was sometimes erased) across time and socio-legal perceptions of gender."" --Rita Costello, McNeese State University