Doru Costache is a Romanian Orthodox priest living in Australia and Associate Professor of Theology at the Sydney College of Divinity. He is the current Selby Old Fellow in Religious History of the Orthodox Christian Faith at the University of Sydney Library. Until recently, he was Honorary Research Associate in Studies in Religion, the University of Sydney’s School of Humanities. He coedits ISCAST’s interdisciplinary journal, Christian Perspectives on Science and Technology. His lecturing and research career spans almost thirty years. His latest monograph was Humankind and the Cosmos: Early Christian Representations (2021). Geraint F. Lewis is Professor of Astrophysics at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy in the University of Sydney’s School of Physics. He has more than three decades of experience studying the cosmos, focusing on the “dark side,” the matter and energy that shape the universe around us. He is the author of more than five hundred academic publications and a populariser of science through public speaking and media presentations. He has written three popular science books on the universe’s wonders, of which the latest was Where Did the Universe Come From? And Other Cosmic Questions (with C. Ferrie 2021).