Francesco Terranova has been working in collider and neutrino physics for 25 years giving significant contributions to the DELPHI experiment at LEP (direct evidence of triple gauge couplings), the construction and data analysis of OPERA (first observation of tau neutrino appearance in a long-baseline experiment), and CUORE (search for neutrinoless double-beta decay with bolometers). In 2015, he proposed the concept of 'monitored neutrino beam' and is currently Co-Spokesperson of the CERN NP06/ENUBET experiment. Since 2018 he has worked in DUNE, the US flagship project in neutrino physics, which studies CP violation in neutrinos and multi-messenger physics.
This book is written as a captivating story of particle physics that enlightens students on the beauty of particle physics and motivates them to pursue further studies of the subject. * Alessandro Tricoli, Brookhaven National Laboratory *