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Becoming Aotearoa

A new history of New Zealand

Michael Belgrave



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Massey University Press
10 October 2024
In the first major national history of Aotearoa New Zealand to be published for 20 years, Professor Michael Belgrave advances the notion that New Zealand's two peoples - tangata whenua and subsequent migrants - have together built an open, liberal society based on a series of social contracts.

Frayed though they may sometimes be, these contracts have created a country that is distinct. This engaging new look at our history examines how.
Imprint:   Massey University Press
Country of Publication:   New Zealand
Dimensions:   Height: 230mm,  Width: 163mm,  Spine: 50mm
Weight:   825g
ISBN:   9780995131866
ISBN 10:   0995131864
Pages:   648
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  Adult education ,  ELT Advanced ,  Tertiary & Higher Education
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Unspecified

Michael Belgrave joined Massey University in 1993 on the opening of the university’s Albany campus. A historian and previously a research manager at the Waitangi Tribunal, he taught in the social policy and social work programme until 2014, as well as Māori studies and history. In 1995 he began a long involvement with social workers and schools, managing and evaluating Massey University’s pilot of the programme, and becoming the leading advisor and evaluator in the development of a government pilot and in the generalisation of the programme throughout New Zealand. The programme is now provided to all decile 1–3 schools. He continued to maintain a strong interest in Treaty of Waitangi research and settlements, providing substantial research reports into a wide number of the Waitangi Tribunal’s district inquiries. More recently, he has been heavily involved in assisting iwi in negotiating the historical aspects of Treaty settlements. He has published widely on Treaty and Māori history, including being lead editor of Waitangi Revisited: Perspectives on the Treaty of Waitangi (Oxford University Press). He received a Marsden Fund award in 2015 for study into the re-examination of the causes of the New Zealand wars of the 1860s.

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