Donna Jean Kendrick's life transformed when she blended her family with Jim's, creating a bustling household of six children. As the founder of Sephton Financial, she already specialized in supporting families through significant transitions such as widowhood and divorce. However, her own experience of remarriage and blending families deeply enriched her understanding and fueled her passion for helping others navigate similar challenges.After the sudden death of her first husband, Greg, when she was just forty years old, Donna faced the daunting task of securing her family's financial future while managing her grief and supporting her three young children. This profound personal challenge revealed her calling: to assist families in transition to ensure they feel financially secure and supported.With Jim, Donna found love again and encountered the complex realities of merging two families with distinct needs and financial implications. This journey inspired her to write A Guide for Blended Families, where she leverages her professional expertise and personal insights to help others smoothly combine their lives and finances. In this guide, Donna provides practical advice, empathetic stories, and actionable steps to empower families to thrive together in their new configurations. Deborah Kevin, the visionary founder and chief inspiration officer at Highlander Press, ignites change-makers to share their stories of healing and truth. Having steered hundreds of authors to literary success, she's a beacon for impactful writing. Deborah also hosts the STORYTELLHER podcast, amplifying women's voices one riveting episode at a time. When she's not shaping the future of publishing, she's globetrotting from the historic trails of Camino de Santiago to the comforts of home in Maryland with her soulmate Rob, their adventurous sons, and the mischievous puppy Fergus.