Ariel Lutenberg is currently a Professor at the School of Engineering, and Director of the master degrees on IoT and Embedded Artificial Intelligence at the University of Buenos Aires. He is also Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research. He instigated and led the Proyecto CIAA (Argentine Open Industrial Computer), where Argentinian universities, companies and institutionsworked together on developing embedded computers, covering both HW and SW. Pablo Gomez is a full-time researcher at the School of Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires having received his doctorate in 2015. As well as directing the master programs on Embedded Systems, he is editor and contributor of the 'Acoustics and Audio' section of theElektron Journal published by the School of Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires. Eric Pernia is currently a research Professor at the Science and Technology department at the National University of Quilmes and a Field Application Engineer at Quectel wireless solutions. He has broad experience in HW, SW and firmware development, and has contributed to many open-source projects on GitHub.