With 600+ illustrations, the go-to resource for building code compliance has been updated with critical new information for properly interpreting and applying IBC provisions Whether you’re an architect, engineer, contractor, building manager, or municipal official involved in construction, the 2024 International Building Code® Illustrated Handbook provides everything you need to understand the latest building code provisions. This edition features new updates to the information on structural loads based on reference to ASCE/SEI 7-22 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures.
Covering all the key IBC changes, the 2024 International Building Code® Illustrated Handbook will help you understand complex code provisions to achieve compliance.
Additional updates to this edition cover:
Steel, wood, concrete and masonry standards Guards on retaining walls NFPA 13R sprinkler protection for apartment buildings Egress requirements for occupiable roofs Loadbearing exterior wall provisions for Type III construction Fire resistance of exterior walls Facilities involved in lithium-ion and lithium metal batteries Public occupancy temporary structures
International Code Council, Douglas Thornburg, John ""Buddy"" Showalter Imprint: McGraw-Hill Education Country of Publication: United States Weight: 1.590kg ISBN:9781266205781 ISBN 10: 1266205780 Pages: 1008 Publication Date:18 February 2025 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active
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