Fiona Sheriff is Head of Geography at Kingsthorpe College in Northampton, former glider pilot and Fawcett Fellow. She has provided training and spoken on fieldwork for a number of schools and networks, including the Mary Myatt Geography Roundtable, TeachMeet Geography Icons and schools across the UK. You can find her blog and resources at and follow her @Fiona_616.
An invaluable resource for all teachers looking to refresh their fieldwork provision. Fiona's expertise shines, providing insightful strategies and exceptional professional development for geography teachers. * Bethany Aldridge, Curriculum Leader of Geography @msaldrgeog * A fantastic book full of ideas to inspire every geography teacher to get outside. Some real thought has gone into ensuring that the ideas are practical as well as inclusive for all students. * Jennifer Monk, Head of Geography * Full of practical and creative suggestions for simplifying the process of planning and completing fieldwork, Fiona’s book will help teachers organise this essential part of a geography education. * Alan Parkinson, Head of Geography @GeoBlogs * Any teacher in need of inspiration for fieldwork ideas need look no further. What an amazing collection of practical suggestions for leading fieldwork. * Alex Standish, Associate Professor of Geography Education UCL * This book is an excellent guide to the variety of fieldwork that can be accessed easily within school time as well as on residentials. * Hina Robinson, geography teacher and Vice President of the Geographical Association 2023-24 @robbogeog * In her introduction, Fiona Sherriff says that she hopes this book “... ignites the fieldwork spark within you"". This is most definitely the case! Brimming with ideas, advice and supporting online resources, there is something for everyone in this book from the experienced teacher through to those planning and leading fieldwork for the first time. Easy to dive in and out, the plethora of ideas in this book cover everything from the use of secondary sources in the classroom and on-site fieldwork (who knew there were so many possibilities!) through to traditional fieldwork such as coastal and river fieldwork and the use of technologies including GIS and virtual fieldwork. The ideas consider all budgets and contexts and advocate for inclusive fieldwork for all. The 2023 Ofsted report recognises that more focus is needed on fieldwork and this book provides an invaluable and timely resource to support geography teachers in doing just that. * Rob Chambers, National Geography Lead Astrea Academy Trust @RobGeog *