At sixteen, NEAL GOLDSTEIN dropped out of high school. It was the last in a long line of defeats for an underprivileged boy, self-raised, in a tumultuous home with an abusive father and a disabled mother. Neal did the only thing he could think to do: quit dreaming of a future, get a job, and look after his mom as well as he could. Once Neal was able to find the genuine relationships he was searching for, he allowed himself to take the courageous steps of getting his high school equivalency diploma. Now, Neal Goldstein is a partner at the law firm of Goldstein and Bashner and lives with his wife Gina on Long Island. They have four children: Matt, Sari, Jessica, and Lana. He loves traveling, bicycle riding, and walking on the boardwalk in his hometown in his free time.
""Neal tells wonderful stories about his life and the lessons of genuine human relationships to live well."" - David Meerman Scott, Author of twelve books including Fanocracy, a Wall Street Journal bestseller ""While telling his deeply moving story, [Neal Goldstein] also provides hope and tools to navigate through it. A truly inspiring book!"" - Ellen March Feinstein, LCSW, Clinical Social Worker, New York City ""Wow! This book is for anyone who feels like they've tried everything to succeed, but something is still missing. Neal Goldstein shortens the 'wisdom learning curve' by sharing his story with courage, warmth, and vulnerability...Highly recommend!"" - Jennifer Quinn (""JennyQ""), CMO, Strategist, and Author ""Neal's life story is a testament to his courage and resilience. Everyone should read this book."" - John H. Fisher, author of The Power of a System and The Law Firm of Your Dreams ""[Neal] takes you by the hand, lets you know it's OK, and shows you a new and better way to approach your life...This book is a gift. Thank you, Neal."" - Mitch Jackson, 2013 California Litigation Lawyer of the Year