Miguel Angel Saura worked as a designer and as a freelance graphic artist. He combines his facet as an illustrator and writer with his work as a textile designer. Naci en Barcelona y creci en los a os 80. Tras acabar la educaci n secundaria empez a trabajar como dise ador de estampados para la industria textil. Al finalizar sus estudios art sticos trabaj como dise ador y como grafista freelance. Actualmente combina su faceta de ilustrador y escritor con su trabajo como dise ador textil y vive en Barcelona con su mujer y sus tres hijos.
""This book is awesome! A treasure to learn about the history of Rome."" - @melodas ""I highly recommend the book series 'Illustrated History' both for learning history and for having fun with great reads. Perfect for sharing with the little ones and enjoying the discovery together. I wish I had books like these when I was in school!"" - @dragonesylibros