Margarita Kukhtina es una ilustradora y diseadora grfica de gran talento. Le encanta contar historias a traves de su arte. Sus ilustraciones vivas aparecen en muchos libros infantiles, incluidos ttulos muy populares traducidos a 5 idiomas. Margarita cre su primer libro ilustrado en 2015 y desde entonces ha trabajado con famosas editoriales europeas. Actualmente vive y trabaja en Mosc, Rusia. Es la creadora de Descubre los animales, tambien publicado en Editorial el Pirata. Margarita Kukhtina is a talented illustrator and graphic designer. She loves to tell stories through her art. Her live illustrations of her appear in many children's books, including popular titles translated into 5 languages. Margarita created her first illustrated book of hers in 2015 and since then she has worked with famous European publishers. She currently lives and works in Moscow, Russia. She is the creator of Discover the animals, also published in Editorial el Pirata.