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Hola hola

Animales para conocer y proteger

Brendan Wenzel

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Board book

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Editorial el Pirata
09 December 2021

Mejor libro infantil del a

o seg

n The Washington Post, Amazon, Working Mother... De Brendan Wenzel, bestseller del New York Times y ganador del premio Caldecott.

Un libro en espa

ol para conocer los animales y que alienta a protegerlos!

Hola Hola es un libro infantil en espa

ol para conocer los animales y descubrir la inmensidad de especies que pueblan la Tierra. Al final del libro se descubre que

92 animales han aparecido a lo largo del libro y que, lamentablemente, muchos de ellos est

n en peligro. As

, se consciencia de que para gozar de un mundo tan m

gico y diverso, nos tenemos que esforzar para garantizarles el h

bitat y as

asegurarnos la conservaci

n de todas las especies animales.

Hola Hola es un libro imprescindible para la formaci

n de los ni

os, que les maravilla por sus impresionantes ilustraciones y que a la vez les anima a ser activos en la conservaci

n de las especies.

Di hola a un mont

n de animales sorprendentes. Algunos son enormes, otros min

sculos. Algunos tienen un pelaje suave, otros escamas rugosas. Algunos son de colores viv

simos, otros tienen patrones sorprendentes. Es f

cil ver que son diferentes unos de otros.

Pero podr

as decir que

los hace iguales?


Best Children's Book of the Year according to The Washington Post, Amazon, Working Mother...

By Brendan Wenzel, New York Times bestseller and winner of the Caldecott Award. A book in Spanish to get to know animals, encouraging you to protect them!

Hola Hola is a children's book in Spanish to learn the animals and discover the immensity of species that populate the Earth. At the end of the book we find out that 92 animals have appeared throughout the book and that, unfortunately, many of them are in danger. Thus, children become aware that to enjoy such a magical and diverse world, we have to make an effort to guarantee their habitat and thus ensure the conservation of all animal species.

Hola Hola is an essential book for the training of kids, which amazes them for its impressive illustrations and at the same time encourages them to be active in the conservation of the species.

Say hello to a lot of amazing animals. Some are huge, others tiny. Some have smooth fur, others rough scales. Some are vividly colored, others have surprising patterns. It's easy to see they are different from each other. But could you say what makes them the same?
Imprint:   Editorial el Pirata
Country of Publication:   Spain
Dimensions:   Height: 215mm,  Width: 304mm,  Spine: 10mm
Weight:   517g
ISBN:   9788417210717
ISBN 10:   8417210717
Pages:   48
Publication Date:  
Recommended Age:   From 2 to 5 years
Audience:   Children/juvenile ,  English as a second language
Format:   Board book
Publisher's Status:   Active

Brendan Wenzel es un autor e ilustrador que reside en Nueva York. Es un orgulloso colaborador de muchas organizaciones que trabajan para asegurar el futuro de los parajes salvajes y de las especies amenazadas, especialmente las del sudeste asitico. Ha ganado el premio Caldecott Honor, que es el galardn anual ms prestigioso de los libros infantiles americanos. Brendan Wenzel is a New York-based author and illustrator. He is a proud contributor to many organizations working to secure the future of wild places and endangered species, especially those of Southeast Asia. He has won the Caldecott Honor Award, which is the most prestigious annual award for American children's books.

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