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Carpeta Plan Dinmico Lector

segundo de primaria: Pack para la mejora de la comprensin lectora

Nria Cuss

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Editorial el Pirata
21 November 2022
Carpeta para segundo de primaria, 6-7 aos, del Plan Dinmico Lector. Permite mejorar la comprensin lectora y dinamiza la lectura mediante aprendizaje competencial. Esta carpeta incluye:

3 libros: ""Pascual el dragn descubre frica"", ""El pirata que no saba decir la r"" y ""Pequen"". Se incrementa gradualmente el nivel de dificultad lectora.

Un cuaderno de entretenimiento, recomendado para desarrollar la curiosidad, mejorar el intelecto y la concentracin de los nios con actividades adaptadas para segundo de primaria.

3 propuestas didcticas: una para cada libro: Hechas para mejorar la comprensin lectora siguiendo los estndares internacionales PIRLS. Incluyen preguntas para reforzar otros conceptos academicos curriculares. Adems, adquiriendo la carpeta tambien se puede acceder al siguiente material digital:

Un solucionario de las propuestas didcticas. Cada solucionario Incluye tres actividades para trabajar valores

Un vdeo en el que el autor de cada libro cuenta anecdotas del libro.

Una actividad de dinamizacin de la lectura: Mediante la resolucin de una serie de pistas, se podr solucionar un acertijo.

Folder for second grade, 6-7 years, of the Dynamic Reading Plan. It allows to improve reading comprehension and makes reading more dynamic through competence learning. This folder includes:

3 books: ""Pascual the dragon discovers Africa"", ""The pirate who did not know how to say the r"" and ""Little boy"". The level of reading difficulty is gradually increased.

An entertainment notebook, recommended to develop curiosity, improve intellect and concentration of children with activities adapted for second grade.

3 didactic proposals: one for each book: Made to improve reading comprehension following the international PIRLS standards. They include questions to reinforce other academic curricular concepts. In addition, acquiring the folder you can also access the following digital material:

A solution of the didactic proposals. Each solution includes three activities to work values

A video in which the author of each book tells anecdotes about the book.

An activity to stimulate reading: By solving a series of clues, a riddle can be solved.
Imprint:   Editorial el Pirata
Country of Publication:   Spain
Dimensions:   Height: 273mm,  Width: 349mm,  Spine: 20mm
Weight:   934g
ISBN:   9788417210540
ISBN 10:   8417210547
Series:   Plan Dinmico Lector
Pages:   240
Publication Date:  
Recommended Age:   From 7 years
Audience:   Children/juvenile ,  English as a second language
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Nria Cuss (Barcelona, 1983) is an engineer and high school teacher with a great imagination. She has always loved writing children's stories. Her passion for reading and writing has led her to publish three titles from the ""Learn to Read"" collection by Editorial el Pirata. Nria Cuss (Barcelona, 1983) is an engineer and high school teacher with a great imagination. She has always loved writing children's stories. Her passion for reading and writing has led her to publish three titles from the ""Learn to Read"" collection by Editorial el Pirata.

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