Mark Swartz is the author of three novels: Instant Karma, H2O, and Summertime Jews. He has also written children's books and reports on education. Originally from Chicago, Swartz lives in Takoma Park, Maryland. Jeb Loy Nichols is a musician, author, and artist. Born in Wyoming, he lives in Wales.
"""Swartz writes, I read!""--Ed Park ""Mark Swartz's phantasmagorical cultural wit joins The Music Never Died to the tradition of Lester Bangs, Steve Erickson, and Lewis Shiner, in excavating gold from fannish what-ifs, and flashing us our musical talismans back at us in a funhouse mirror."" --Jonathan Lethem ""A music-lover's fever dream, The Music Never Died weaves surprising afterlives and alternate endings for some well-known artists in tart, imaginative prose. Anyone who has ached over the untimely demise of Marvin Gaye, Aaliyah, or Amy Winehouse will appreciate Mark Swartz's exploration of their interior lives and experiences, revealing potentialities obscured by all-too-real death.""--Laura Cantrell"