Dwight Wilson's work is a carefully researched historical fiction series Esi Was My Mother, which follows the lives of an enslaved black family from 18th century Africa to the American Civil War. He strives to portray triumphant examples of black stories that will make history come alive for readers. He is also author of two short story collections, The Kidnapped and The Resistors, as well as a memoir centered on caring for children, Whispering to Babies, and two psalms books: Modern Psalms In Search of Peace and Justice and Modern Psalms of Solace and Resistance.
Dwight Wilson's writing is lively, well-paced, historically well-informed, psychologically acute, and highly imaginative. It's not easy to be both entertaining and educational, but Wilson does it well, immersing his readers in the joyous yet deeply fraught worlds of nineteenth-century African-American folk. Enjoy and savor his long-simmering stories! Stephen W. Angell, author of The Cambridge Companion to Quakerism Dwight Wilson's stories bring the past to life with humor and poignancy. Memorable, quirky characters emerge from these pages. Readers will be troubled by the injustice and consequent tragedy that lurks in these tales, just as they will be moved by the courage and perseverance that thrive there as well. These stories cross bridges and bring people together, inspiring hope. Michael Birkel, Author of Silence and Witness Wilson's short stories are a balm to the soul in a time all too challenging for most of us. They amplify voices that historically have not been adequately heard, while telling stories that simultaneously entertain and teach us on the deepest levels. Curl up with these true-to-life tales and prepare to enjoy a wondrous journey! Jennifer Elizabeth Brunton, Ph.D., a uthor of The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy: Step-by-step advice on how to ally and speak up with Autistic individuals and the autism community (forthcoming, 2/22, from Jessica Kingsley Press) Dwight and I have been friends since our seminary days. His writing is as he isthoughtful, well-researched, poetic, passionate, disturbing where we need to be disturbed, and uplifting where we need hope and faith to carry on. Dr. Gary Alan Chamberlain, The Psalms: A New Translation for Prayer and Worship. Dwight Wilson has an uncanny knack for conjuring up vivid anecdotes about fugitive slaves, Underground Railroad conductors, savvy abolitionists and other heroes and heroines of the Antebellum South. Mixing lean prose with passionate dialogue, he pulls readers into America's past via stories that are as frank and realistic as they are gut-wrenching. His work is historical fiction at its best. Denise Crittendon, author of Girl in the Mirror, A Teen's Guide to Self Awareness Dwight writes with clarity and historical detail. He draws the reader in, transporting and teaching us about unfamiliar practices, like the process of quartering of pigs and arrangement of smoked hams at the center of a gathering of friends and family. Yet the deeply familiar themes in these stories, the feeling of a husband's touch or the discomfort of an old friend's unwelcome advances, connect us across timeand spaceto what it is to be human. There is no sugarcoating in this storytelling; Dwight's skillful prose identifies the ways deep inequalities connected to race shaped the intimacy of lives more than a century ago, but are also the building blocks of the complexities of U.S. society today. Joanna Dreby, author of Divided by Borders (University of California Press 2010) and Everyday Illegal (University of California Press, 2015) Wilson is an extraordinary story-teller. His writing makes the characters and the times they live in truly come alive for the reader. Written with passion and respect for his family history, Wilson's stories are fascinating and compelling . Rabbi Robert Dobrusin, author of The Long Way Around: Stories and Sermons from a Life's Journey