D.W. Vogel is a veterinarian, cancer survivor, marathon runner, board game developer, and speculative fiction author. Her science fiction Horizon Arc series is available from Future House Publishing, along with the game world fantasy, Super Dungeon: The Forgotten King. She is also the author of the feminist fantasy Flamewalker, and co-author of Five Minutes to Success: Master the Craft of Writing. Her short stories are available in many anthologies, and she is represented by Alice Speilburg Literary.
Rich in science and mythology, this elegant sci-fi series launch from Vogel (Flamewalker) delights with strange aliens and a centuries-long love story... Vogel probes class struggle, xenophobia, and exploitation within a dense science mystery tightly entwined with an enduring love story. Readers will be wowed by this ambitious and fulfilling adventure. --Publishers Weekly The Risen is set in a world full of strange and amazing creatures, including humans, all fighting for survival. And while I've always thought I understood it better than anyone, having had a crucial role in creating it after all, D.W. Vogel has completely humiliated me. In an absolutely delightful, epic, dramatic way! Not only did she understand and appreciate the source material but expanded it beyond its limits, bringing a maturity and life to this project that I didn't think possible. The Godmother of Nightfell, as I've come to rightfully address her, will blow your minds (and hearts) with this novel that I'm 100% sure you'll love and want more of! --Nicolas R. Giacondino, co-creator of Nightfell