Jeremy Radin was born in southern California's San Fernando Valley, where he began performing in musicals at thirteen years old because he had a lot of energy and Ritalin wasn't working. Since then, he's appeared in several television shows (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, CSI, The Office, ER), movies (The New World, Wrestlemaniac, Nesting), and plays. He has studied for ten years and teaches at The Beverly Hills Playhouse. As a poet, he's been published (or is forthcoming) in various journals including Union Station, Nailed, Sundog Lit, Souvenir, PEN Center's The Rattling Wall, and Freezeray. He's toured the U.S. with his debut book Slow Dance with Sasquatch (Write Bloody Publishing, 2012) where you may have caught a glimpse of him sitting in a restaurant, aggressively eating pancakes by himself. His most recent collection, Dear Sal is with NOT A CULT.
Dear Sal is a thick braid of joy, despair, Judaica, dragon teeth, familial history, & desire. --sam sax, author of Madness