Carol A. Foster, M.D. is an Associate Professor of Otolaryngology at the University of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine and Director of the Balance Laboratory at the University of Colorado Hospital. Foster received her medical degree from University of California San Diego School of Medicine, was a Neurotology fellow at UCLA, and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Her YouTube video on how to treat vertigo has been viewed more than five million times.
Colorado NBC news show will air segment on their 9Health portion of the news show. Highest rated news show for Denver and greater area. --https: // Kathy Walsh will have a patient on the show to demonstrate the maneuvers in the book. She will also interview author Carol Foster. --CBS4 Denver, https: // Interview with author and testimonial with actual patient who has tested manoeuvres in the book--CBS 4 News, Denver, CO, https: // Feature on book --Interview, KUNC, Colorado news, https: // Live radio interview with author on Colorado Public Radio, Colorado Matters show --http: // Feature in the popular newsletter of a newspaper (print and online) aimed at seniors living in Colorado. --My Prime Time News, http: //