"Kylee Baumle is a citizen scientist who participates in several programs that provide data to scientists studying monarchs (through MonarchWatch with the University of Kansas, and JourneyNorth, which reports migration sightings and roosts). Her rural Ohio garden is a Certified Monarch Waystation, a Certified Wildlife Habitat and a registered garden with the Pollinator Partnership. She writes a regular column for Ohio Gardener and has written feature articles for Horticulture, American Gardener, Indiana Gardener State-by-State Gardening magazines. Her nature and garden photography has been widely published. Kylee blogs about her love for butterflies and all things ""nature"" at Our Little Acre. The author resides in Northwest, Ohio."
"This is an attractive book, chock-full of information, that would be useful to anyone from a teenaged student to a veteran gardener. If you love monarch butterflies or want to learn more about them, check it out! ""The Monarch"" includes just enough science to fascinate without getting too ""sciency."" This book should find its way to a shelf in every library and classroom. If you love learning about and looking at stunning photography of nature, you'll love this book. Illustrated by beautiful photos, Baumle packed this work with carefully researched facts, online resources, projects and a road map of how to join the movement to save the monarch and other butterflies that are at risk in today’s world. -- Nancy Szerlag"