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Buzzelli Collected Works Vol. 3


Guido Buzzelli Jamie Richards



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Floating World Comics
19 March 2025
Hailed in Europe,Guido Buzzellihas been called ""the Michaelangelo of monsters,"" ""the Goya of comics,"" and ""the patron saint of all Italian cartoonists.""

A pioneer active from the 1950s-1980s, today virtually unknown in English, Buzzelli horrifies, fascinates, and provokes with his unique blend of surrealism and dynamism. Displaying a range of influences from Westerns and science fiction to Rennaisance art and futurism, Buzzelli's stories are a delightful, quasi-postmodern mishmash of high and low, showing an intricate hand and stylish narrative skill.

This final volume includes Guido Buzzelli'sfull-color science fiction epicZasafir, A Star For Ganymede, Resurrection,and the previously unpublishedIncomplete Zasafir. The volume features his earliest masterpiece, The Revolt of the Wretchedcredited for inventing the independent Italian graphic novel.

Translated by Jamie Richards. Introduction by Valerio Stive.
Translated by:  
Imprint:   Floating World Comics
Country of Publication:   United States
Dimensions:   Height: 279mm,  Width: 215mm,  Spine: 5mm
ISBN:   9781942801672
ISBN 10:   194280167X
Pages:   160
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Forthcoming

Guido Buzzelli(1927-1992) was an Italian cartoonist, writer, illustrator and painter. His career started at age 19, and his comics werepublished in theDaily Mirror,Metal Hurlant,Charlie Hebdo.In 1973 he received the Yellow Kid Award as best illustrator and author in Italy, and in 1979 won the Crayon d'Or in France. Trained as a classic illustrator, he is considered one of the masters of European comics and inventor of the Italian graphic novel.

Reviews for Buzzelli Collected Works Vol. 3: Zasafir

""A cornerstone of Italian auteur comics."" - Fabio Donalisio ""Buzzelli's work manages to vividly convey the visionary energy and the unmistakable style of those roaring and extraordinary years in which it was made."" - Emanuele Trevi ""The first self-conscious author in comics."" - Domingos Isabelinho ""Buzzelli is a grand master of comics, whose art is equally effective and powerful both in his realistic representations and in his grotesque caricatures."" - Alias cultural supplement of Il manifesto ""Pungent, defiant, derisive; Buzzelli's art is loaded with a grotesque strength and shows a decadent and vulgar world."" - Robinson, cultural supplement of La Repubblica

  • Nominated for Ignatz award - Best Collected Edition 2024 (United States)

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