With the publication of Trained For Genius by Douglas Goldring (Dutton-P. 220, 1949), a biography of Ford Madox Ford, and the literary and critical interest it aroused, Alfred A. Knopf, long interested in the project of re-publishing Ford's novels, and after much correspondence with critics and authors, decided to publish this Tietjens series in one volume. Included are Some Do Not (1924), No More Parades (1925), A Man Could Stand Up (1926), and The Last Post (1928), celebrated and controversial in their day and now long out of print, and the introduction by Robie Macauley is worthwhile for its insight and interpretation of the man as well as the tetralogy. This new edition will undoubtedly have a space-worthy reception, for among Ford's enthusiasts are Lloyd Morris, Morton Dauwen Zabel, Herschel Brickell, Lionel Trilling, Allen and Caroline Gordon Tate, Glenway Wescott, William Troy, Graham Greene, Granville Hicks, William Carlos Williams, Carl Van Doren, among others. A big publishing venture which should stimulate a revival of interest, this will prove of value in college literature courses as well as for a long run general sale. (Kirkus Reviews)