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Bodleian Library
01 September 2024
In 1811, architect, stone mason and shell obsessive George Perry published a lavishly illustrated volume, his Conchology or the Natural History of Shells, featuring 348 beautifully illustrated mollusc shells with descriptions of species, many of which were new to science.

Despite the effort that went into producing the work, at a time when 'conchophilia', or shell fancying, was at its height, Perry's Conchology all but disappeared without a trace in the scientific literature, apparently actively supressed by the leading conchologists of the day and then cruelly mocked for decades afterwards.

This book reproduces the stunning, exquisitely drawn and sometimes fanciful shell illustrations from this extraordinary forgotten volume. Following an introduction exploring our fascination with shells and their impact on human history, culture and science, each of the sixty-one colour plates is included alongside a description of notable shells and what is known of the mysterious organisms that make them. From the common limpet and razor clam to the valuable cowry and spectacular divine conch, the wide range of shells featured form a treasure trove of natural beauty from our oceans and shores.
Imprint:   Bodleian Library
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 208mm,  Width: 158mm, 
Weight:   666g
ISBN:   9781851246168
ISBN 10:   1851246169
Pages:   192
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Mark Carnall is collections manager of human remains and non-insect invertebrate collections at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

Reviews for Beautiful Shells

Mark Carnall provides an excellent introduction here, educating the reader about mollusc classes and the history of shells as an area of natural historical study. -- Ettie Neil-Gallacher * Characters, capers and conchology * Carnall takes Perry’s historical work and reimagines it in such a spellbinding way that the mollusks seem magical, yet the text remains committed to the clear-eyed science surrounding these creatures’ role in evolutionary history, ecology, and more. This book will occupy loving space on any bookshelf or coffee table. -- Emily Bowles * Beautiful Shells: George Perry’s Conchology *

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