The sixth volume of the beloved series, perfect for fans of Magical Girl manga, sees the greatest test of Alpi's skills yet! The spirit of the great serpent needs help moving on, but Alpi's companion Perenai must contend with his own darkness...
After a long search, Alpi and the Soul Senders have managed to locate the body of the great spirit serpent, and are ready to perform the valediction to ease its passing to the next world! However, someone seems intent on stopping them, destroying everything they create to help it move on. Meanwhile Alpi's most trusted ally Perenai must grapple with his own dark secret...perhaps the Soul Sender doesn't truly know her closest friend at all...
Rona . Imprint: Titan Comics Country of Publication: United Kingdom ISBN:9781787741355 ISBN 10: 1787741354 Series:Alpi the Soul Sender Pages: 176 Publication Date:01 July 2025 Recommended Age: From 15 years Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Forthcoming
Rona is a Japanese webtoon artist living in Aichi Prefecture. She enjoys the Japanese art of ikebana (flower arranging) and dreams of having a garden of her own one day.