Peter Houghton is a qualified Level 3 Forest School leader, running, with Jane Worroll, year-round Forest School sessions for children in London and elsewhere. At a charity supporting vulnerable inner-city children and young people, he worked as an artist (in woodwork and other media) and as a key worker, as well as leading Forest School sessions. He is qualified and experienced in historical and ornamental woodcarving and in green woodwork. Jane Worroll is a qualified Level 3 Forest School leader, running, with Peter Houghton, year-round Forest School sessions for children in London and elsewhere. She has worked outside for the majority of her adult life, in gardening, tree surgery and, for 12 years, as a Countryside Ranger, a role that included habitat management, monitoring protected species and leading volunteers. She has a degree in ecology as well as an MSc in environmental conservation.
A Year of Forest School has the same lovely accessible style that our Forest School practitioners appreciate about Play the Forest School Way. A great book to dip into to top up the inspiration levels. The Forest School ethos is explained clearly and comes through in the way the activities are explained. --Lily Horseman, Chair of the Forest School Association