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The Mind of the Minister

Restoring trust between ministers and civil servants

Tom Brown



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Biteback Publishing
01 March 2025
Britain's most important relationship has reached breaking point. The relationship between civil servants and ministers is the most critical element for government to function well and its health has reached an historic low. Centuries of carefully built trust and mutual understanding have been undermined and strained in a few short years. This relationship now needs urgent attention.

Ministers, famously, begin the job with an hour's notice. There is an enormous amount to do and they are in at the deep end, often knowing very little about the department but bringing energy, drive and optimism for change. Over time these can be drowned by reality, accountability and crises. And then, eventually, by the distraction of promotion, demotion or a changing political landscape.

How do civil servants and ministers adjust to these different chapters in a ministerial lifespan? What really happens in the corridors of power? What can be done if rule makers become rule breakers, without repercussions?
Imprint:   Biteback Publishing
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
ISBN:   9781785909337
ISBN 10:   1785909339
Pages:   320
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Tom Brown has worked with thousands of civil servants, officials and politicians, to help improve policy making and communications skills, since 2010. He has helped officials improve their working in UN agencies, EU institutions and governments in more than 40 different countries. He currently spends a lot of time working across Westminster and Whitehall, and the space in between them (metaphorically, not on Parliament Square).

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