Novelist and essayist Martine Delvaux is a central figure in Quebec literary feminism. She is the author of five novels, including Thelma, Louise & moi, which was shortlisted for the Prix des libraires, and nine books of non-fiction, the most recent of which is Pompieres et pyromanes. Le boys club won the Grand prix du livre de Montreal. Five of Delvaux's works have been translated into English, including Blanc dehors, translated as White Out by Katia Grubisic. Katia Grubisic is a writer, editor, and translator whose work has appeared in various Canadian and international publications. Her collection What if red ran out was shortlisted for the A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry and won the 2009 Gerald Lampert Memorial Award for best first book. Her translations of David Clerson's Brothers and Alina Dumitrescu's A Cemetery for Bees were both shortlisted for the Governor General's Literary Award for Translation.